Tailorsan Albania



If you are looking for the ideal partner to organize your event, then you are in the right place! Tailorsan Albania supports a wide range of events every day, ranging from exclusive international events to local rallies and festivals.

We will help you every step of the way, guaranteeing you a balanced service for the expected attendance, professional cleaning with continuous assistance and service areas designed down to the smallest detail as well as facilitate the flow and improve the experience in event spaces.

Tailorsan recognizes the immense value of those who make it possible to create moments of sharing and togetherness for the community.

Whether for entertainment, sports, cultural, private or company events, the planning role requires time and attention to detail.

For an event organizer, having prepared partners means less workload and more freedom to focus on the core aspects of the event.

Tailorsan: portable toilets for rent for your events.

Each event must guarantee a dedicated area for toilet facilities for the participating public as well as for the event organizers themselves. Our goal will be to show your event audience that you have taken care of every detail. It is possible to separate the toilets into separate areas for men and women, while, for events with intensive sports activities, we are able to equip the service area with showers, stations for the distribution of antibacterial gel and monoblocs equipped for use as dressing room. Our toilets have special characteristics and are favorable for events that require the perfect balance between compact design that allows the intelligent use of event spaces and large and ergonomic interior spaces that provide the public with an industry-leading privacy and convenience restroom experience. Each event attracts a wide variety of people. Valuing and respecting these differences is a sign of an organization that is attentive to the society that surrounds us and capable of listening to important issues such as inclusion. A detail that can never be overlooked is the presence of toilets designed for people with reduced mobility. Thanks to products such as WC Liberty we can guarantee all participants of your event comfortable access in services, even in wheelchairs. It is also possible to customize the graphics of the toilets to match the themes and design of the events up to the creation of a personalized coating on the entire surface of the toilet.

The ideal solution for:

The ideal solution for:

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Do you need our toilets for your construction site?

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