Tailorsan Albania



Our first thought is always to guarantee the best for our customers and to maintain our high standards of service, aiming for excellence in this sector.
At Tailorsan we minimize the steps needed to find the optimal solution for your company, guaranteeing a single point of contact for your leasing needs, who you can contact for advice, ask for help and stay up to date on service status. If you have a company with multiple subsidiaries throughout the country, it will not be a problem, thanks to our territorial organization we will be able to ensure that each of the structures is adequately supported by our team.

Tailorsan: portable toilets for rent for the industry and logistics sector.

When you choose to rent Tailorsan portable toilets, you are sure of a quality service, attentive to the hygiene of the users and your company’s image. Tailorsan toilet hire is refined in every aspect to provide a professional, punctual service with verifiable quality at every step. Even complex situations such as companies with numerous subsidiaries located throughout the country, high supplies or service organization for temporary industrial sites or with a variable participation of personnel. Our centralized management allows you to reduce costs and expenses, opening up the possibility of setting a competitive and unified rental fee, in order to benefit from the best in the sector at a low cost and no surprises. We are qualified and use branded vehicles to transport waste generated from chemical toilets (with code EWC 200304) and transfer them to authorized disposal centers. We track the movement of waste from its collection to its transfer to the collection center, documenting every step for maximum transparency.

for industry and logistics

The ideal solution for industries such as:


Do you need our toilets for your industry?

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